Saviour More Than Life To Me

English Christian Songs Lyrics
1. Saviour more than life to me,
I am clinging, clinging close to thee;
Let Thy precious blood applied,
Keep me ever, ever near Thy side.
Every day, every hour,
Let me feel Thy cleansing power,
May Thy tender love to me
Bind me closer, closer, Lord to Thee.
2. Through this changing world below
Lead me gently, gently as I go;
Trusting Thee, I cannot stray
I can never, never lose my way.
3. Let me love Thee more and more
Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o’er;
Till my soul is lost in love,
In a brighter, brighter world above.
Saviour More Than Life To Me
Reviewed by Christking
March 01, 2018